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Identification record : Common Murre (Uria aalge) is a bird which belongs to the family of Alcidés and the order of Charadriiformes.
10 common guillemot (Uria aalge) emperor Avibase – the World Bird Database. http://avibase.bsc-eoc.org/avibase.jsp. lus (L.), 25 sillgrisslor Uria aalge (Pont.), 24 talgoxar Parus major L., jer (Fjeldså & Krabbe 1990; Avibase; SACC. 2012). Kolibrierna och en Uria aalge (lõunatirk). Vanellus gregarius (stepikiivitaja).
aalge. Danish name Aalge for an auk < Old Norse Alka Látrabjarg, IslandiaCanon XM1 Uria aalge aalge, nidifie dans la partie orientale de l'Amérique du Nord, au Groenland, en Islande, au nord de l'Écosse, au sud de la Norvège et dans la mer Baltique. Uria aalge albionis , se rencontre sur les côtes des îles britanniques, d' Irlande , de Bretagne , jusqu'à la côte atlantique portugaise et du nord-ouest de l' Espagne . L' aráu común NOA ye una especie d'ave caradriforme de la familia Alcidae nativa d'Europa. History.Okhotskiy virus (OKHV) (prototypical strain, LEIV-70C) was originally isolated from ticks of the species Ixodes (Ceratixodes) uriae White, 1852 (taxon Acari, order Parasitiformes, family Ixodidae), collected in nests of murres (Uria aalge Pontoppidan, 1763) on Tyuleniy Island (48°29′N, 144°38′E), located off the east coast of Sakhalin Island in the Sea of Okhotsk, in 1971.
History.Okhotskiy virus (OKHV) (prototypical strain, LEIV-70C) was originally isolated from ticks of the species Ixodes (Ceratixodes) uriae White, 1852 (taxon Acari, order Parasitiformes, family Ixodidae), collected in nests of murres (Uria aalge Pontoppidan, 1763) on Tyuleniy Island (48°29′N, 144°38′E), located off the east coast of Sakhalin Island in the Sea of Okhotsk, in 1971. 1–3
Uria aalge. Les especies d' aves con nome común en llingua asturiana márquense como NOA. En casu contrariu, conséñase'l nome científicu. L' aráu común NOA ( Uria aalge) ye una especie d' ave caradriforme de la familia Alcidae nativa d' Europa . L' aráu común NOA ye una especie d'ave caradriforme de la familia Alcidae nativa d'Europa.
History.Okhotskiy virus (OKHV) (prototypical strain, LEIV-70C) was originally isolated from ticks of the species Ixodes (Ceratixodes) uriae White, 1852 (taxon Acari, order Parasitiformes, family Ixodidae), collected in nests of murres (Uria aalge Pontoppidan, 1763) on Tyuleniy Island (48°29′N, 144°38′E), located off the east coast of Sakhalin Island in the Sea of Okhotsk, in 1971. 1–3
O arao (do francés antigo hairon) dos cons ou aro (Uria aalge) é unha ave costeira da familia Alcidae. Xunto co garrucho, domina as colonias mariñas dos cantís na tempada do verán. O arao nada fronte a costa en grandes masas baixo os cantís. Fronte aos farallóns adoita verse voando baixo e rápido.
Avibase—The World Bird Database; Birdlife International—Dedic
Overlap in diets and foraging of common murres (Uria aalge) and Rhinoceros auklets http://www.bsc-eoc.org/avibase/avibase.jsp [accessed 09/07/2007]. Référence Alan P. Peterson : Uria aalge dans Ciconiiformes ( en ); Référence Avibase : Uria aalge (+ répartition) ( fr+en ); Référence Fauna Europaea : Uria
gavia immer offshore. Highest priority common Murre uria aalge offshore common raven corvus corax r p common Snipe gallinago gallinago r w not in avibase. Within each region they are listed according to the Avibase classification and ( Cepphus columba); Common Guillemot (aka Common Murre), (Uria aalge).
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Etelänkiisla; Uhanalaisuusluokitus; Elinvoimainen. Tieteellinen luokittelu; Domeeni: Etelänkiisla (Uria aalge) on nimestään huolimatta pohjoisten merialueiden mustavalkea lintu. Avibase Les cartes de distribution sont à interpréter avec beaucoup de précautions. Elles donnent une idée de la répartition globale des espèces et non pas une géolocalisation précise.
02 (May 2014):
Uria aalge [aalge or hyperborea]: North Atlantic from eastern North America to the Baltic Sea, Norway, and Svalbard to Novaya Zemlya ( Uria [aalge or lomvia]) Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 01 (August 2013): Common or Thick-billed Murre ( Uria [aalge or lomvia]) Avibase …
Avibase is an extensive database information system about all birds of the world, containing over &1 million records about 10,000 species and 22,000 subspecies of birds, including distribution information for 20,000 regions, taxonomy, synonyms in several languages and more. Avibase taxonomic concepts (current): Common Murre (Southern Atlantic) ( Uria aalge albionis) Avibase taxonomic concepts v. 01 (August 2013): Common Murre (Southern Atlantic) ( Uria aalge albionis) Avibase taxonomic concepts v.
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Martin arrunta (Uria aalge) Alcidae familiako hegazti zangaluzea da. Euskal Herriko kostaldean negu partean agertzen zaigun espeziea da martina, pottorro arruntaren antz handia duena, baina hura baino handixeagoa dena. Kostaldetik gertu arrantzatu ohi dute, eta zenbait kasutan portuetan ere ikusi ahal izaten dira, itsasoa zakar dagoenean, batez ere.
Båda könen är svarta eller mörkbruna på ryggen, huvudet och översidan av vingarna Status för de återstående 42 noteras varken av Gibson och Byrd eller Avibase. Vanlig murre , Uria aalge [Resident *); Tjockbenad murre , Uria lomvia (bosatt Avibase - Bird Checklists of the World Country or region: Skåne Number of alle alkekung Common Murre Uria aalge sillgrissla Thick-billed Murre Uria lomvia Avibase - Bird Checklists of the World Country or region: Västmanland Alle alle alkekung Common Murre Uria aalge sillgrissla Razorbill Alca torda tordmule Brunnich‟s guillemots (Uria lomvia). 10 common guillemot (Uria aalge) emperor Avibase – the World Bird Database.
Uria aalge aalge hekkar aust i Nord-Amerika, på Grønland, Island, Færøyane, Skottland, Sør-Noreg og i Austersjøen. Uria aalge albionis hekkar i Storbritannia, Irland, Bretagne, Portugal og nordvest i Spania. Uria aalge californica hekkar på vestkysten i Nord-Amerika frå nordre delen av delstaten Washington til sør i California.
L' aráu común NOA ( Uria aalge) ye una especie d' ave caradriforme de la familia Alcidae nativa d' Europa . L' aráu común NOA ye una especie d'ave caradriforme de la familia Alcidae nativa d'Europa. Conservation Actions Underway Uria aalge ibericus is found on Annex I of the EU Birds Directive.
DESCRIPTION: In spite of its penguin-like appearance, the Common Murre is able to fly fast and strongly. Etelänkiisla; Uhanalaisuusluokitus; Elinvoimainen. Tieteellinen luokittelu; Domeeni: Etelänkiisla (Uria aalge) on nimestään huolimatta pohjoisten merialueiden mustavalkea lintu. Uria aalge albionis (Witherby, 1923), des de les Illes Britàniques fins a la península Ibèrica. Uria aalge californica (Bryant,H, 1861), des del nord de l'Estat de Washington fins Califòrnia.